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Where We Live

The Founder of Share Our Hope went on her first missions trip at the age of 15, in 1992. Since then she has volunteered and assisted in various humanitarian operations in 6 countries. South Asia has gripped her heart and passion since her first visit to the region in 2002.

Demographics of South Asia includes the following details:

·         Average life expectancy is 59 years.

·         One out of every 6 girls will not live to see her 15th birthday.

·         There are MORE children living on the street, homeless, than the entire population of the United States of America.

·         Over 12.6 million orphans are at risk for exploitation because of poverty, abuse, prostitution, or illness.

·         Only 50% of children have access to education.  39% of the population is illiterate. This varies greatly by region.

·         Over 2,695 distinct people groups.  Of whom 2,384 are considered completely "unreached."

·         Over 14 national languages and 1,638 dialects.  Many of these do not yet have any translation of the Bible.

·         Over 14 major world religions are practiced.  Only 2% of the population is Christian.  This varies greatly by region.

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